Orchid Society of Santa Barbara – August 13, 2023 Meeting, 12:30 pm at SBOE

Celebrate summer with the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara at the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate located at 1250 Orchid Drive

The August meeting is on Sunday, August 13th at 12:30 pm.  This meeting will be a Summer Potluck Picnic and Silent Auction at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate!

A great time to relax with your orchid friends amongst the summer blooming orchids at beautiful SBOE!

Bring your favorite picnic food:  main course, side dish or salad, and dessert. Remember to bring your own plate, utensils (if you forget there are usually enough to go around), and beverage.  SBOE will provide tables and chairs.

Silent Auction
In addition to great food, there will be a Visual Feast of donated orchids at a Silent Auction!  Please bring a few of your spare amazing plants and be prepared to bid!  Proceeds will go to the Society.

(There will be no August AOS judging this month.)