This Month’s Program
Potting Demo and Hands-on Workshop!
Spring is just around the corner and your orchids know it. If you look closely, you will see new light-colored roots and flowers in sheath preparing to burst forth when the days get a bit longer and the weather warms up. February is the perfect time to start repotting your spring blooming orchids.
Our expert member growers will demonstrate how to divide and repot common types of orchids, then it’s your turn. We will have some donated plants ready to pot up along with potting mix, pots, mixing trugs, tools, tags, and gloves.
The goal is to prepare several flats of freshly potted plants to sell in the society booth at the upcoming SB International show. Here is your chance to learn some tips and tricks plus contribute toward your society’s income. 100% of sales from the plants will be donated to the society to fund speakers throughout the year.
Do you have overgrown plants to donate? Bring a plant that can be divided into more than one pot and learn how to repot it! Plants need to be in good condition and free of pests. Please limit the number and size of cymbidiums.