Orchid Society of Santa Barbara – June 12, 2024 Meeting, 7:30 pm

Our speaker on June 12th will be Jack Zhu!

Jack Zhu: “Form and Color of Asian Cymbidiums

Jack Zhu is an orchid hobbyist from the Los Angeles area of California. He grows many varieties of orchids, focusing on Asian cymbidiums. Jack is also very interested in the culture and history of Asian cymbidiums. Jack is currently an Associate Judge in AOS Pacific South Judging Region and has more than thirty AOS awards for Asian cymbidiums.

With more than one thousand years of cultivation history, the Asian cymbidium community has developed some unique appreciation criteria for Asian cymbidiums, including several major flower forms. These appreciation systems are very different from the AOS point score system. Understanding of these differences allows us to appreciate the beauty of Asian cymbidiums more.

During the talk, Jack will go over the flower forms and colors of various Asian cymbidiums. Within each category, he will present multiple examples, especially with plants from his own backyard. Jack will also do a short demo of how to select bare root Asian cymbidiums and how to pot them.

Conejo Orchid Society is having a sale