Our January 2025 meeting will be a virtual trip with AOS Orchid Judge Carol Klonowski to see dendrobium orchids in New Guinea.
American Orchid Society Webinar by Carol Klonowski – recorded on June 15, 2023
2025 Membership Dues: Annual membership fee is $40 for individuals, $50 per household. Due in January, pay no later than March. See Angela Watt during the meeting.
Location Reminder: We are now meeting at Maravilla on the 2nd Wednesday. Directions: From Calle Real, enter Maravilla and bear left. On the right is a lawn with a flagpole. The meeting rooms are to the left of the lawn/flagpole. To park, continue to drive around a loop that will lead you to the parking lot. Additional parking is available to the right as you drive in, any parking space without a number is available. Meeting Rooms: AOS Judging in the Galleria Room, Orchid Society in the Valencia Room.
James Rose
We have recently been made aware of the passing of James Rose of Cal-Orchid. He and his wife Lauris Rose co-owned Cal-Orchid nursery here in Santa Barbara. When available, the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara website will include additional information regarding this sad event.
American Orchid Society Webinar by Ron Parsons – recorded on November 5, 2020
September Meeting
The Orchid Society of Santa Barbara moved our monthly meeting location to Maravilla Senior Living Community starting in September. Many thanks to Sandra Tillisch-Svoboda for coordinating the space and to Jerry McRoberts for helping her, and to other society members for providing homemade refreshments.
Bryce sends particular thanks to Daniel and Chris Geiger for bringing a splendid group of species orchids for show and tell, making our first meeting at Maravilla a complete success.
October Meeting
Keeping on the theme of beautiful Masdevallia orchids as presented by Sandra in September, in October we will take a virtual trip to see the orchids of Colombia with renowned author and photographer Ron Parsons. Join us for a webinar from the American Orchid Society (AOS) by Ron Parsons on his orchid travels in Colombia.
Ron Parsons has been growing orchids for nearly 49 years and has been interested in the species for most of that time. He loves to photograph orchids and other flowers whenever he can and does so as often as possible. Ron has more than 100,000 digital images, most of which are of orchids, and still retains a slide library that exceeds 100,000 botanical images. He has presented more than 500 talks on various botanical topics and has nearly 6500 published photos.
Ron has co-authored four books on botanical subjects, all with Mary E. Gerritsen. The first two, published by Timber Press, are Masdevallias, Gems of the Orchid World and Calochortus, Mariposa Lilies and their Relatives. Their third book, a two-volume set, A Compendium of Miniature Orchid Species was published by Redfern Natural History Productions in January 2014. In 2019 The American Orchid Society Guide to Orchids and their Culture was released and is in its third printing. They have recently completed a fifth book, a much-revised second edition of A Compendium of Miniature Orchids Species. It is now in four volumes with 3100 photos (1800 of those are new), including those of more than 500 species not in the first edition. The set was released in early October 2021.
If you want to learn more about Masdevallias as presented in September by Sandra Tillisch-Svoboda, here are the references.
The AOS hosts seminars on a wide range of orchid topics that are available online to AOS members and to the public at https://www.aos.org/
About the Speaker: Growing up in Minnesota, Sandra’s only exposure to orchids was that prom corsage. She began her orchid life as a pot washer for her late husband Al and became fascinated with the history of her husband’s complex paph collection, which included many oldies like Paph. F. C. Puddle. Al’s knowledge, love, and enthusiasm for orchids were contagious. When they built a second greenhouse, Sandra decided it would be hers, and that was when orchids became an important part of her life. Sandra is editor-in-chief of the Orchid Digest. She has served as president of the American Orchid Society, World Orchid Conference Trust, Cymbidium Society of America, and the Orchid Digest. Locally, she was president of the Orchid Society of Santa Barbara and the local branch of the Cymbidium Society. Sandra served on the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show board and, for several years, was the show manager of this prestigious show, one of the largest in the nation. Sandra is a senior accredited judge in the American Orchid Society. Besides the plants themselves and the never-ending opportunity to learn about them, Sandra loves being involved in the orchid world because it offers an opportunity to travel, meet, and work with many amazing and fascinating people.
Program: “Those Amazing Masdevallias” Sandra will share the diversity of the flowers of the species of the amazing genus, Masdevallia. The talk will include general culture information for each species, AOS award information, and where species is found in its native habitat.
Important Announcement – NEW meeting location starting September 2024
Address Maravilla Senior Living Community 5500 Calle Real Santa Barbara, CA 93111
Parking Main lot (to the left as you enter the property). For additional parking, as you enter turn right, then the first left. Any parking space without a number is available.
Meeting Rooms AOS Judging: Galleria Room Orchid Society Meeting: Valencia Room The judging and meeting rooms are next to each other. The Club House is straight ahead as you enter the property, and there is a putting green to the left of the Club House. The closest entrance to the rooms is to the left as you face the putting green. I will see if there is a way to put up a sign. If you go through the main entrance, you must sign in and get a pass.
Jack Zhu is an orchid hobbyist from the Los Angeles area of California. He grows many varieties of orchids, focusing on Asian cymbidiums. Jack is also very interested in the culture and history of Asian cymbidiums. Jack is currently an Associate Judge in AOS Pacific South Judging Region and has more than thirty AOS awards for Asian cymbidiums.
With more than one thousand years of cultivation history, the Asian cymbidium community has developed some unique appreciation criteria for Asian cymbidiums, including several major flower forms. These appreciation systems are very different from the AOS point score system. Understanding of these differences allows us to appreciate the beauty of Asian cymbidiums more.
During the talk, Jack will go over the flower forms and colors of various Asian cymbidiums. Within each category, he will present multiple examples, especially with plants from his own backyard. Jack will also do a short demo of how to select bare root Asian cymbidiums and how to pot them.
Bill Gunning, a retired physicist, began growing orchids over 30 years ago as a diversion from his day job. Post retirement, his collection exploded to nearly 500 plants including a wide variety of orchid genera. Most of his collection grows outdoors in Newbury Park and is acclimated to the various microenvironments in his garden. His plants have won notable awards from the American Orchid Society and at orchid shows. He is currently a VP of the Conejo Orchid Society and an Orchid Collection Volunteer at The Huntington Botanical Gardens.
Bill’s presentation will be “Why are Dendrobiums so Darned Confusing?” Dendrobium is probably the most diverse genus in the orchid world, requiring a wide range of growing environments. Therefore, the general “rules of thumb” that we thought we understood, can lead to “less than satisfying results”. In this talk we will explore the wide range of culture requirements that Dendrobiums can require and offer resources that will guide you to greater success in growing them.
Wayne Ferrell: “Visiting a few of the native orchids (along with a few very non-native ones) of California, Costa Rica, and the UK”
A former President, Vice President, Speaker Chair and Board Member of the OSSB, Wayne worked for many years at the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. Now retired, he continues to seek orchids wherever he goes. When traveling, he always keeps an eye out for native orchids. Additionally, while working at SBOE he had the opportunity to see and “naturalize” many non-native orchids in local landscapes and gardens. In this program, he will show photos of these and discuss their ecology.
American Orchid Society Webinar by Eric Sauer – recorded on August 26, 2020
Join us on Valentines Day for a webinar from the American Orchid Society (AOS) to discover the fascinating genus Maxillaria. Maxillaria is one of the larger genera in the orchid family found from Florida through the West Indies and Central America to southern Brazil and northern Argentina. They are mostly epiphytes that grow at moderate altitudes.
In cultivation, Maxillaria prefer intermediate conditions with high humidity and bright light, but not full sunlight. Pots and baskets with well-drained mix that retain a little moisture are best. Care should be taken to not disturb some species when repotting.
The AOS hosts seminars on a wide range of orchid topics that are available online to AOS members and to the public at https://www.aos.org/
Our speaker for Wednesday, November 8th will be Joe Ambriz!
Joe Ambriz: Laelia anceps Color Forms and Culture
Most of us are very familiar with Laelia anceps, but not everyone can make them thrive. Native to Mexico and Honduras, these orchids usually bloom here in Santa Barbara in autumn to early winter. They love well-drained potting mix or growing mounted.
For this month’s meeting, Joe will teach us about the various color forms and his methods to get the best results growing Laelia anceps.
A little background on Joe, who has been growing orchids and tillandsia for over 15 years. He was given his first Cymbidium orchid in 2002 by our own Phil Watt, but it met an untimely demise (yes, in his words, he killed it!). This was unexpected given his experience with successfully growing vegetables, landscape and house plants that led him to ask questions like “How?! Why?!” He knew he must try again. Joe’s professional background is performing as a percussionist and teaching marching percussion in Santa Barbara. In 2007 he started working for 7-Day Nursery as a nursery specialist and then as assistant manager, specializing in plant design, landscape, and home consultations with particular focus on temperature tolerant orchids, tillandsia and caudiciforms. By 2016, having outgrown his own and his grandparents’ backyards, Joe moved his huge tillandsia collection to a greenhouse in Carpinteria founding “Ambriz Kingdom of Plants”. Today, he grows orchids, tillandsia, and other interesting plants. His orchids and displays have won awards and trophies at the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show. His displays are truly awesome and not to be missed.
There will be a plant table provided by our speaker.
Our speaker on Wednesday, July 12th will be Lourens Grobler who will present
My favourite African orchids and how to grow them
Lourens has been growing orchids since he was 10 years old. He now co-owns Afri Orchids, nursery specializing in species from around the world. The collection includes approximately 4000 species and a few hybrids. He is co-author of Field Guide to the Orchids of Northern South Africa and Swaziland, published in 2008. He has been an accredited South African Orchid Council Judge since 1998. He recently chaired the Judging Committee of the 21st World Orchid Conference held in Johannesburg.
We will be meeting on Wednesday, 12 July at 7:30 pm in the same location as our monthly meetings, Trinity Lutheran Church.
There will be a plant opportunity table provided by Lourens.
The local Summer Orchid Sales events will be held July 14-16 at SBOE and Cal-Orchid. Lourens will be one of the guest vendors at Cal-Orchid with Laelia anceps and African orchid species for sale.
You will recognize Jen Poulakos as a familiar face that we see regularly at Santa Barbara orchid events and who travels the world seeking orchids in the wild. This month, she will be sharing her firsthand account of an orchid hunting trip to Costa Rica that is home to some most spectacular orchids in the world. There are more than 1,400 species including the national flower Guarianthe skinneri (formerly Cattleya skinneri).
Jennifer Poulakos: “Orchid Adventures in Costa Rica”
Jen Poulakos’ addiction to orchids began in the mid-1980s when she purchased her first orchid (a phalaenopsis) during an Orchid Show held at the Gainesville, Florida Oaks Mall. After moving to Ventura, California in the early 1990’s she joined the Ventura County Orchid Society (VCOS) where she met orchid experts that provided her with cultivation knowledge, orchid plants and long lasting (and treasured) friendships. She has served the Ventura orchid society in a variety of roles as past secretary, board member, current newsletter editor and president