Orchid Society of Santa Barbara Meeting – February 12, 2025, 7:30 pm

“Coelogyne, My First Love”

Our February meeting will be a live presentation by AOS Judge and award photographer Arthur Pinkers on the genus Coelogyne.


“Coelogyne, My First Love” by Arthur Pinkers

There is a long association between romance and flowers, especially orchids.  Our speaker Arthur Pinkers will share his experiences with these natives of southeast Asia and their gorgeous flowers.  The genus Coelogyne is very diverse, and Arthur will explore some of the warm and cool growing species, their culture and some of the hybrids that are commonly available.  These wonderful plants can provide very showy specimens on relatively small plants and should be a part of everyone’s collection.

Arthur Pinkers has been an orchid enthusiast since he was sixteen and now has more than forty years of growing experience. He grew up in the Seattle area and graduated from Washington University Bellingham where he studied Chemistry and Biology.  Arthur is an AOS judge and has served as an officer for many orchid societies and is one of the photographers for the Pacific South Judging Center. Though he has an interest in a wide variety of orchids, botanicals are a special draw to him for their diversity and charm. 

2025 Membership Dues

Annual membership fee is $40 for individuals, $50 per household.  Due in January, pay no later than March.  See Angela Watt during the meeting.

Location Reminder

We are now meeting at Maravilla on the 2nd Wednesday.  Directions:  From Calle Real, enter Maravilla and bear left.  On the right is a lawn with a flagpole.  The meeting rooms are to the left of the lawn/flagpole.  To park, continue to drive around a loop that will lead you to the parking lot.  Additional parking is available to the right as you drive in, any parking space without a number is available.  Meeting Rooms:  AOS Judging in the Galleria Room, Orchid Society in the Valencia Room. OSSB on the web:  Orchid Society of Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara 77th International Orchid Show “Exotic Gardens”

Earl Warren Showgrounds, 3400 Calle Real, Santa Barbara CA.  Open to the Public:  7-9 March, 9 am to 5 pm

You are invited to participate in Ribbon Judging:  6 March, starts at 9 am. Ribbon judges work in small teams awarding ribbons to orchids entered for judging at the show.  At the Santa Barbara International Orchid Show, the ribbon judging focus is on education and fun!  There are so many reasons you should participate, even if you are brand new to orchids!

No experience is necessary!  Your will work with a small group of hobbyists led by an American Orchid Society (AOS) Accredited Judge who will teach you all that you need to know to vote for the best orchids.  Beginners and novices are totally welcome and strongly encouraged to join! 

You will learn so much about orchids!  Your AOS judge will teach you all about the qualities of all the orchids your team evaluates and answer all your questions.  The judging team process is very interactive, and you are encouraged to participate fully.  However, if you are more comfortable observing quietly, that is fine too. 

You will see the orchids and displays in prime condition and without crowds.  The orchid show is not open to the public on judging day.  You will see the plants and displays at their freshest and very best.

Lunch is available for ribbon judges.  The Santa Barbara International Orchid Show is sponsoring these events for ribbon judges in order to support both experienced hobbyists and welcome novices to the world of orchids.  However, you must register in advance at: https://sborchidshow.com/register-to-judge/  If you register BEFORE WEDNESDAY, FEBRURY 19, you can purchase lunch there for $10.

You will meet new people.  Ribbon judges work together in small groups.  Take time to talk with your teammates and meet people from other areas and orchid societies.  It is easy to make new friends who share your orchid passion.

You will have fun!  What could possibly be better than a whole morning of orchids with kindred “orchidaholics” in beautiful Santa Barbara?   

Remember to register in advance at https://sborchidshow.com/register-to-judge/

Santa Barbara Summer Orchid Weekend – July 19-21, 2024

The best of summer blooming orchids!

Visit our local orchid nurseries located at 1250 (SBOE) and 1251 (Cal-Orchid) Orchid Drive in Santa Barbara!

Santa Barbara Orchid Estate Summer Open House

The colorful Cattleyas from southern Brazil should be putting on a quite a colorful display.  Some Encyclias and Renantheras may still be in bloom.
Friday July 19, 2024, 8am-4pm

Saturday July 20, 2024, 8am-4pm
Sunday July 21, 2024, 9am-3pm

Cal-Orchid Summer Hummer Sale

Everyone looks forward to a party, WITH ORCHIDS, and we kick off summer with a doozie. Cal-Orchid has been madly potting all spring in preparation for summer growth and the sale.

Our foreign vendors look forward to a Santa Barbara weekend.
TOKYO ORCHID NURSERY This is a very unique chance to explore a collection of world class paphs and cattleya species. Don’t miss out.
SUWADA ORCHIDS Munekazu Ejiri has been a friend of ours for decades. He is perhaps the best breeder of Cattleyas in the world today and the President of the very prestigious Japan Orchid Growers Association. His catalogue is an invaluable tool for shopping.
AFRI ORCHIDS Lourens will join us from South Africa. We are so proud of how he and his wife, Jolisa, have built a solid nursery and worldwide following. Don’t miss this opportunity to find something truly special, shipped all the way from South Africa. That is an accomplishment in its own right!!

2024 Fūkiran Exhibition and Judging

The Fūkiran SOA is pleased to announce the 14th annual Fūkiran Exhibition and Judging to be held on Saturday, July 20th at Cal-Orchid. There will be many plants entered for judging, including both flowering and non-flowering plants. Five top Fūkiran will be awarded trophies. There will also be the Negi Trophy. This year the award will be presented by Negi san himself!!  He will be attending the show for the first time, coming from Japan.
Along with judging there will be several lectures on Fūkiran. Vendors will have many wonderful Fūkiran for sale!
The event will run from 11am to 1:30pm, with judging at 1:30pm.
10:30-11am Entries for judging should be registered at the registration desk
11am Lecture 1
12pm Lecture 2
1-1:15pm Judging begins
1:15-1:30pm Judging results

The Santa Barbara Orchid Show is nearly here!

Phragmipedium besseae

The 76th Santa Barbara International Orchid Show “Orchids – Floral Gems of Nature” will be held at Earl Warren Showgrounds Friday-Sunday, March 8, 9 and 10, 2024, 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Complete information on the show is on their website SBIOS.

Note:  The March 6, 2024 OSSB monthly meeting and AOS judging are Cancelled.

Want to see the orchids at their freshest before the doors open?  Here’s how.

OSSB Display Setup:  Wed, March 6, 9:00 am-1:00 pm.  Bring your orchids in for the Society Display. Assist Display Designer Phil Watt with installing the display. From lights to theme props, and of course orchids of all descriptions, you get to experience setting up an orchid display and insider’s access to the exhibit hall.

Phil has asked members to bring plants and lights.  We need plants!!  Do you have something in bloom?  Clean it up and bring it in.  He will be at the show starting at 9:00 am to receive plants.  The earlier the better so he has an idea of where to place them in the display.  The cutoff time is 1:00 pm, to allow time to write the labels and place them.

Ribbon Judging:  Thurs, March 7, arrive before 8:00 am. Be an Orchid Judge during the Ribbon Judging session. A team effort, ribbon judging lets you get to know the details of exhibits and the orchids on display as you hunt down the judging entries for your expert evaluation. Your team will be led by an experienced judge who will explain what to look for in the best orchids.

OSSB Sales Booth:  Fri, Sat and Sun, March 8, 9 and 10, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, JOIN US to staff the Society sales booth in the Sales hall.  We really need everyone in the Society to help cover all 3 days for a couple of hours minimum.  For some, shows are nice, but Shopping is the real thrill. We will have plants donated by members and by the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. Bring your divisions and spare plants to the sales booth before 9:00 am on Friday for this once-a-year fund-raising opportunity!

Register Plants:  Got something fantastic to display? Orchids need to sign up too. Register your plants for judging via online until 7:00 pm on Tues, March 5 or in person at the show before 6:00 pm on Wed, March 6. See the Exhibitor Guide on the show website to fill in the plant registration forms.

Volunteer:  Be sure to check out the Volunteers page and sign up to donate a few hours to make this show one of the best in the world.

Visit our local nurseries on the California Orchid Trail!  On the main page of the Show website scroll down for a map and list of orchid nurseries that will be open during show weekend including Cal-Orchid, Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Gallup & Stribling Orchids, Westerlay Orchids, Ambriz Kingdom of Plants and Orchids Royale (by appointment).

Santa Barbara International Orchid Show – March 8-10, 2024

Get excited, it’s nearly time for the show!

The Santa Barbara International Orchid Show is looking for volunteers to help during the Show. Signups are online here:  https://sborchidshow.com/volunteer-application-form-2024/

Ribbon Judging is at 9 am on March 7, 2024.  No experience is necessary. Novices are placed on teams with experienced judges. It’s a great way to learn more about orchids and about orchid judging, while participating in the Show.  Signups are online here:  https://sborchidshow.com/register-to-judge/

Santa Barbara International Orchid Show Recap

OSSB Display

OSSB Display 2023 SBIOS

In case you missed it, our Society display at the show was spectacular, packed with gorgeous orchids from our members and perfectly arranged by our designer Phil Watt!  Thank you to everyone who contributed their plants and helped with the setup and removal of the display.

The sales booth was great fun again this year and kept us hopping for three days straight!  Show attendance was high and our booth location perfectly situated to let us engage with the show visitors.  We nearly ran out of plants to sell, which is great news.  Thanks to our sales staff, member contributors, and our sponsor Santa Barbara Orchid Estate for a very successful show.  Special thanks to Angela Watt our booth manager and treasurer!


The Santa Barbara International show has historically focused on awarding cymbidium orchids due to the bloom season and large number of local growers, so there are more flower trophy awards for cymbidiums than any other category.  These days, other genera are recognized at the SBIOS with a few trophies and by American Orchid Society awards and show ribbons.  Here is a sampling of the show Trophy winners.

Best Orchid in Show:  Paphiopedilum Leonard’s Pride ‘Petrus’ FCC/AOS, S/CSA, CCE/AOS exhibited by Paph Paradise (Dave Sorokowsky).

Grand Champion Cymbidium:  Cymbidium (Regal Princess x Flaming Vulcan) exhibited by Hatfield Orchids (George Hatfield)

Sweepstakes Best Display and American Orchid Society Trophy:  Cal-Orchid (James and Lauris Rose)

The complete list of award winners is available on the show website:  SBIOS Awards

It’s Orchid Show Week!

Paphiopedilum delentaii

The 75th Santa Barbara International Orchid Show “Orchids – The Adventure Returns” at Earl Warren Showgrounds Friday-Sunday, March 10-12, 2023, 9am-5pm. Complete information on the show is on their website SBIOS.

Want to see the orchids at their freshest before the doors open?  Here’s how.

Volunteer:  Be sure to check out the Volunteers page and sign up to donate a few hours to make this show one of the best in the world.

OSSB Display Setup:  Wed, March 8, 9am-1pm – bring your orchids in for the Society Display. Assist display designer Phil Watt with installing the display. From lights to theme props, and of course orchids of all descriptions, you get to experience setting up an orchid display and get an inside view of the exhibit hall during setup.   

Ribbon Judging:  Thurs, March 9, arrive around 8:30 for 9am start. Be an Orchid Judge during the Ribbon Judging session. It looks like signups on the website have closed for this so hopefully you are on the list. A team effort, ribbon judging lets you get to know the details of exhibits, plants on display, all while hunting down the judging entries for your expert evaluation. Your team will be led by an experienced judge who will explain what to look for in the best orchids.

Sales Booth:  Fri, Sat and Sun, March 10, 11 and 12, 9am-5pm, JOIN US to staff the Society sales booth in the Sales hall. For some, shows are nice but Shopping is the real thrill. We will have plants donated by members and by the Santa Barbara Orchid Estate. Bring your divisions and spare plants before 9am on Friday to this once-a-year fund raising opportunity!

Register Plants:  Got something fantastic to display? Orchids need to sign up too. Register your plants for judging via online until 7pm on Tues, March 7 or in person at the show on Tues, March 7 through 6 pm on Wed, March 8. See the Exhibitor Guide on the show website to fill in the plant registration forms.

Visit our local nurseries on the California Orchid Trail!  Click that little down arrow on the main page of the Show website and scroll down for a map and list of orchid nurseries that will be open during show weekend including Cal-Orchid, Santa Barbara Orchid Estate, Gallup & Stribling Orchids, Westerlay Orchids, Ambriz Kingdom of Plants and Orchids Royale (by appointment).

75th Santa Barbara International Orchid Show: March 10-12, 2023

Orchids – the Adventure Returns

Our local Spring orchid show is back!

The excitement is building as we look forward to the first orchid show to be held in Santa Barbara since March 2020. Volunteers from our society will be setting up a display, ribbon judging flowers and hosting a sales booth just like the good old days. More details later but mark your calendar and plan participate in all the activities starting on Wednesday, March 8th.